There are a lot of jokes about Polish people. They seem to be the punch line to life in general. I’m not really sure how this all happened, but it had something to do with Polish immigrants escaping tyranny after the Second World War. But there is one thing coming out of Poland that is no Joke and that is the soon to be released 2013 Arrinera Hussarya.

The car is given its name in honor of the 17th century Polish Hussar cavalry. Arrinera Automotive has said the Hussarya was arrinera hussarya topengineered to emulate the attributes of beauty, strength, and maneuverability the legendary Polish cavalry was said to embody. It took a total of 14 hard months of design to finalize the official design

From the beginning there was a good deal of bad press and controversy over the 2013 Arrinera Hussarya and the original concept design. Pretty much everyone that saw the car made an immediate association to the Lamborghini El Toro. It was written about constantly in Europe after its unveiling and also on a popular online Polish radio and television show. It was referred to as the poor man’s Lamborghini replica. Arrinera denied all these claims of course, but it was damn embarrassing and not altogether wrong. So Arrinera went back to the drawing board to retool the style of the Hussarya. Arrinera will also deny the redesign and renaming had anything to do with the criticism, and whether or not it did is irrelevant because it challenged them to design something far more original.

They completely redesigned the interior and more focus was made on style, comfort and convenience in the cockpit. The car has a height ground clearance and the Lamborghini style scissor doors have been axed in favor of traditional front hinge doors. Arrinera also added two rear spoilers to double as air brakes at any speed over 93mph. Over all the size and dimensions of the car are identical to original spec. There are no test numbers as of yet, but weighing less that 3000 pounds with a V8 producing 650hp and 820 lb/ft of torque it has been speculated that the 2013 Arrinera Hussarya will be pulling a top speed of 211mph and a 0-60 in roughly 3 seconds. Actual road tests are to start at the Applus IDIADA automotive research center in Spain soon.

There’s no definitive date when the car will be released and no price point either, but Arrinera tells us its plan is to have the Hussarya ready for production by end of 2013 and that it will be available in both right and left side drive. Don’t be surprised if it makes a bit of a splash at the upcoming Top Marques Monaco event.


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